Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Profile: Lori B... 1

DJ (Day Job): Communications Coordinator, Stem Cell Network

AMB(ition): to make a living as a freelance writer/webmistress in Europe

PD (Probable Destination): to spend my days wandering the Romanian countryside in a sparkly pink gypsy caravan

NN (Nickname): Lorina

PP (Pet Peeve): boxed wine masquerading as an acceptable drink

HT (Hidden Talent(s)): belly dancing, I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue

W (Weaknesses): trashy celebrity gossip...it's like watching a train wreck - I don't want to look at it, but I can't turn away

CP/P (Cherised People/Pets): my boyfriend, Florin; my cat, Sydney


nella the chocolate lab said...

I want a sparkly pink gypsy caravan too!!

a grrl with a blog said...

you can hitch a ride in mine if you like...your chocolate brown would go nicely with the pink!