Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Welcome Team Boatylicious!

Welcome to your official Dragon Boat 2007 team page!

We're going to use this blog as a way to meet each other, swap information, post tips and sites for preparing for the Dragon Boat Festival in Ottawa this June.

Stay tuned for more information, as well as profiles of your fellow team members!

Lori & Joanne


Anonymous said...

Wooh! This is new for me. I have never commented on a blog before. But someone has to be first so here I am.

Thanks Joanne for all the work you've done so for to get Boatylicious up and running. I have good vibes for us this year.

I'll be happy to share my past experiences in Dragon Boat Races. Was a member of the first DOJ "Titanic" type event (though it was loads of fun anyway!). Couldn't get a team off the ground the following year (we were still licking our wounds). But we did last year, and that just wet our appetite for more.

So onward and upward! (or is it forward)?

a grrl with a blog said...

This is so exciting!!

I'm a Dragon Boat virgin, and I can't wait to get out and meet everyone.

I'm sure it will be a lot of fun!